
1: 2019/05/21(火) 01:07:24.01 ID:9V97ErL60● BE:151915507-2BP(2000)
Huawei’s Own Smartphone Operating System Reportedly Named HongMeng OS, According to Foreign Sources

In an aggressive move and with the snap of its fingers,
the U.S. blacklist order forced Google to cease its business partnership with Huawei.
This effectively means that no smartphones or tablets launched by Huawei will have access
to Google’s Play Store and its long list of official applications.
Huawei’s handsets will still be supported by the Android Open Source Project (AOSP),
but it will hardly be enough to convince customers to continue using devices without an existing app repository.

Huawei claims that they were anticipating that such a move would be made,
and they’ve taken the necessary steps to make sure that the effects of this blow are mitigated as much as possible.
One of those steps would be to develop its own smartphone operating system, which reportedly has a name now.

HongMeng OS From Huawei Is Reportedly in the Trial Phase and Rumored to Gradually Replace Android
According to a tweet from Global Times, with the rumor originating from three Chinese media reports,
HongMeng OS could be the name given to Huawei’s mobile operating system.
During Huawei’s initial statement shortly after the Android ban,
the company attempted to put on its ‘brave face’,
and stated that it will continue to ‘build a safe and sustainable software ecosystem’.
The term ‘sustainable’ could possibly mean that in the event the Android ban is not reversed,
Huawei will proceed to launching its own OS catered for mobile phones.

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引用元http://hayabusa3.2ch.sc/test/read.cgi/news/1558368444/ :


Source: 芸能2